Monday, April 28, 2008

Xzibit Says 'Pimp My Alien'...

We almost fell out of our chair when we opened our email. When the hell could "Mr. X to tha Z" actually act? Let alone act in one of the biggest sci-fi franchises of the mid to late 90's, The X-Files.

Here are some screenshots of the upcoming X-Files movie, X-Files: I Want To Believe, set to hit big screens July 25th 2008. Former Pimp My Ride host Xzibit looks crazy different with a shaved head, suit and tie. Hope he's good at getting the surprise jump on the extraterrestrials as he was with broke people in need of a automotive touch up. Hmmm...

Big props to WooHah!

Check them out in our Links section. Woohah!

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