Sunday, January 4, 2009

Lupe Pulls A Kanye...Starts Singing Career...

Listen/ Download Here. Lupe Fiasco (Percival Fats) & Japanese Cartoon - Heirplanes

Listen/ Download Here. Lupe Fiasco (Percival Fats) & Japanese Cartoon - Army

...Well sort of.

Wasalu apparently is doing the damn thing when it comes to setting the bar for these lame ass rappers. Recently two tracks were leaked to the net of him hitting the microphone in a british-esque accent and strumming out records with his new band Japanese Cartoon. Lupe is apparently going to go by the name 'Percival Fats' and plays the front man of the group.

Very Interesting. These records are not bad at all. They're actually damn good. The Army joint is really dope!

And of course Abstract.

Japanese Cartoon Homepage

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