Saturday, May 24, 2008

NaS - "Be A Nigger Too" Poster...

Don't get us wrong, we're just as big of fans as the next group of bloggers...But,

We're starting to feel as if Nasir is using this controversial subject matter for the sheer fact of shock value and nothing more. Literally, like Nothing more. It breeds a certain type of anticipation where a good amount of skepticism is birthed and paralleled alongside of the original anticipation rather than it being supplemented solely by excitement and curiosity, do you guys follow?

With this newly employed gimmick we are witnessing will it be as easy for NaS to step away and say "This is what you've all been waiting for"? It seems to us that if anything, a portion of his past career material can culminate in this album to a head. The sheer fact that this day is finally upon us where Nasir doesn't tackle a random subject on just one song on an album but rather comes at it from the perspective of a cohesive album tip kind of puts his fanbase in an ultimatum position whereas if he doesn't do it now, is he capable of ever doing it? By "it" we mean not simply talking about "Niggerness" or "Niggerdom" for that matter, however actually taking the listener to somewhere new instead of re-hashing the old "using said subject matter as a blanket and dropping jewels here and there but at the end we're just left right where we started save some hot lines."

...maybe we've come to expect too much but, this is the stage you've set no?

Your thoughts?

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